Monday, December 22, 2008

Now We're Talking!


I just got notice of two more grades. I am glad to say that I now have the experience in law school of receiving a grade higher than a "B." I clapped my hands and let out a "H%*# yeah!", which was probably inappropriate since I'm at my parents' house. They promptly asked from the living room, "What did you get?"

Man, this feels good. And it was in a course whose material I considered exceptionally difficult. I really enjoyed the class, though, and I wanted to do well because I can certainly see the relevancy of this material in a field where I'd like to practice.

The other grade was not so hot. I have three grades now, with two to go. My three grades vary widely. This lets me know that, going forward, I'm likely to grasp certain areas of law significantly better than others (at least in relation to my classmates, which is what exam grades are about). I probably won't give an even performance across the board over the next two and a half years, though my effort in each of my classes this semester was fairly even.

My highest grade and my lowest grade kind of even out my mood. It also establishes that I have no idea what to expect for my last two grades.

Until Next Time,

Nathan Marshburn

1 comment:

Bucky C. said...

Just enjoy the "Heck Yeah!" for now and let the rest of the chips fall where they may. You'll do well enough to be a huge success once you're finished, and that's what matters.

Good to hear you are home for the holidays too!