Thursday, December 24, 2009

A New Hope

This blog is supposed to be about law school.

Today, however, I want to acknowledge the amazing effort of the U.S. Senate to accomplish health care reform.

A bill passed today which, if it becomes law, will represent quite possibly the most important change in domestic policy since I was born. I hope that I am not exaggerating.

Thank you to President Obama, Senator Bill Nelson of Florida, to Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada, Senator Max Baucus of Montana, Senator Tom Harkin of Iowa, the late Senator Ted Kennedy, and the others of the 60 senators who voted "Yes" today to make this happen.

The bill is not perfect, and the process to get there was messy at times. But the hope and better lives it will bring to Americans far outweighs the flaws.

I was surprised that at least some Republicans did not join in this effort in the Senate. Their objection that it will add debt to the current deficit seems odd to me when the current health care system is literally bankrupting American families every day. People die in this country because they can not afford health care. If that does not motivate you to act-- well then, I'm not sure what to say. Exactly whose interests are you representing?

Health care is an inalienable right. It is not a privilege for the wealthy. This is a moral issue, and it's not even a close one.

But today is a new day. Frankly, I am amazed that we have gotten this far. In my entire life, I have never seen our government working for the people like it is doing right now.

So, to our leaders: Keep pushing! We are almost there!

Hurray for the Senate!

Nathan Marshburn

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