Monday, December 15, 2008

A Wise Decision

Five years ago I was an aspiring screenwriter.

I gave it a good effort and wrote four screenplays. I entered contests and sent off hundreds of letters trying to acquire an agent or manager. While I have no regrets about those ambitions, real world experiences in Las Vegas and Washington, DC made me realize that I would probably spend years not making much money while I expended most of my effort on writing.

I faced the truth that, given the choice between being a starving artist and becoming successful in another field, I would gladly choose the latter.

Writing screenplays or other types of fiction is something that I could pick up again at a moment's notice. I have half a dozen stories circulating in my head right now. Unfortunately, getting people to pay money to hear or see my stories proved too difficult. I saw myself becoming trapped in a miserable situation in Washington, and I now consider it a great decision to stop writing and focus all my efforts on my legal training.

After one semester of law school, I think there is a great world of opportunity, adventures, and learning ahead. It should be a happier life, and I will do my best not to screw it up. It is great to live in a country that affords me the opportunity to remake myself. That would probably not be an option if I had been born most other places in the world.

Until Next Time,

Nathan Marshburn

1 comment:

Bucky C. said...

Hey, how many lawyers are also writers? So, you may eventually end up with the best of both worlds, my friend!