Saturday, August 8, 2009

The Coming Workout

Classes begin again August 24th, or about two weeks from now. I am looking forward to the start of law school. Though I enjoyed my first year, I will probably enjoy my second year even more.

This is because a lot of the pressure is now off of me. I've got a pretty good GPA and class rank and am in no danger of failing out of law school. My clerkship this summer with Parks & Crump has added to my confidence in my abilities to be a trial lawyer, to find a job, and possibly to open my own practice.

Even if I don't "grade into a job" through the On Campus Interview process, I have the tools to network and market myself. I will demonstrate to a law firm that I can bring value. I will find a job.

This year, my second year of law school, will be about networking and polishing my skills as a trial lawyer. I will work just as hard as I did during my first year-- only in different areas. The Mock Trial Team will receive a lot of my time. Frankly, I plan to spend a lot of time socializing as well with organizations such as The Young Lawyers Division. I feel much more relaxed this year, and I will try to find time for more Student Bar Association functions and perhaps intramural sports.

Still, this year will be a workout. Getting up in front of a group and making a presentation is no easy feat for me. The Mock Trial Team will require this, as well as the ability to think on my feet during a cross examination of a witness. Doing well in such venues demands an enormous amount of preparation and energy. I have to be willing to fail, to flop in front of an audience, suffer embarrassment, and then gather myself and go again. A few years ago I could not have handled this. It wasn't until I moved to Las Vegas and became a car salesman that I began to attain the confidence and the skills that I will use as a trial lawyer. But I seriously doubt it will ever be easy for me. There will always be times when I stumble, no matter how much I practice. It stings to stumble. And this year, it will be one challenge after another in the arena.

But I am the man in the arena, now. More than at any other time in my life, I am running my own life. Perhaps a psychologist would say that I am a self actualizing person. And while I understand that chance or fate or whatever could suddenly come down without warning and slam me with a crippling blow or even death, I think that I've latched on to the best way, the best philosophy to navigate this existence.

This year will be quite a workout, but it is the best way for me to go.


Write your Congressman, tell him or her your health care story, and ask them to get behind President Obama's health care plan,

Nathan Marshburn

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