Sunday, May 23, 2010

A Day at the Rez

Yesterday in the Summer for Undergraduates Program, we all took a charter bus out to the Reservation or "The Rez" for a day of fun and games.

Famous Dave's provided a terrific lunch. The temperature was a scorching 93 degrees, but I loved being outside in it. This kind of weather is my favorite time of the year. I played volleyball, tossed frisbees and a football while others took canoes out on Lake Bradford or climbed a rock wall.

The mentors working with me did a great job of planning games for both indoor and outdoor competition. My team of students, "The Ragin' Nathans," did well in all of the activities. We'll see who got the overall top spot on Monday.

The trip out to the Rez provided a great break from being in a classroom or behind a desk all day. Enjoying the weather, being outside, moving and playing athletic games has become increasingly important to my own personal happiness. I am more active now than when I was a teenager, and I was a little surprised when I woke up this morning to find no soreness in my muscles at all.

Everyone else seemed to enjoy themselves, too, though the heat and the sun had sapped a lot of energy by the time 3pm hit.

Playing outside with the students has been the most fun out of all the interesting activities we have done so far. It is more enjoyable for me than the guest speakers, the law firm visits, and the informational sessions. . . Though honestly, I hope the same is not true for the students themselves.

Perhaps I can get in on some other games on Landis Green with the SUG students before the next three weeks are over.


Nathan Marshburn


Bucky C. said...

Please tell me you have "Ragin' Nathans" T-shirts and you know how I can buy one. :)

Nathan Marshburn said...

Sorry Bucky! We did not have the budget for that.