Thursday, January 1, 2009

My Changing World

All of my grades from my first semester of law school have now posted. I feel pretty good about them. Given how hard I worked, I would have liked to score higher. I think, however, that my grades establish me as a solid student. In an earlier blog, I wondered if my exam performance would put me at the top of my class, or if I would have to continue to work as hard as I can just to remain average. Based on the first semester, the answer is closer to the latter.

My world is changing yet again. Now that I know a career in law is for me and that I am on my way at a solid school, I feel the need to be more careful. All of a sudden, I have more to lose. FSU College of Law is presenting me with a great opportunity to become successful, and I don't want to blow it. I find myself becoming more reserved and thoughtful in social settings... more careful with the image I am trying to present to others. Hopefully, this does not mean I am becoming pretentious or cliquish. But I feel my value system changing.

This time last year, I was in graduate school at Western Carolina University. Last year was probably the happiest of my life. I had the chance to go back to my alma mater and live life like I wish I had done when I was there as an undergraduate. It was a great year and I had a fantastic time with a lot of new people. But I also knew it was temporary. I couldn't stay in that world for long, cushioned from the responsibilities and pressures of the "real" world.

Law school, on the other hand, is a more serious and competitive environment for me. It is a long term game and more like a job than studying at WCU could ever be. Still, law school is a job that I enjoy. Since I have to choose a path that will enable me and my family to survive and thrive in the "real" world for years to come, a career in the law is at the top of the list. FSU College of Law is showing me that I chose correctly and that I belong here.

Until Next Time,

Nathan Marshburn

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